Accident Insurance Association

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Paperwork is hard work .... Digital is ideal

The Accident Insurance Association (AAA) offers various online services, including the declaration of an accident at work or a commuting accident, the submission of various requests or simply making an appointment.

Forms for reporting an illness or accident
Online requests for events occurring on or after 1 January 2011

Applying for a survivor's pension following an accident or an occupational disease.

Applying for the reopening of a file for medical treatment of an accident or an occupational disease.

Applying for the compensation for material damage, dental crowns, prostheses, orthoses or epitheses.

Applying for a full pension in the event of total work incapacity following an accident or an occupational disease.

Applying for a bridging pension while waiting for external reclassification following an accident or an occupational disease.

Applying for compensation or the review of compensation for non-patrimonial damages as an insured victim of an accident or an occupational disease.

Applying for a partial pension for loss of income due to the consequences of a reported accident or occupational disease.

Applying for a compensation for non-pecuniary damage following an accident or an occupational disease.

Online requests for events occurring before 1 January 2011
Booking an appointment

Last update